Whj7YACKuG_eYxMmu-BvMPZhruI Download The sims 3 : World Adventures full crack & patch - Compu-Gemz
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Download The sims 3 : World Adventures full crack & patch

15 April 2012 | 5Respon

http://www.coverdonkey.com/covers/the-sims-3-world-adventures-2009-pc-game-front-cover-9413.jpgDownload The sims 3 : World Adventures full crack & patch - kali ini aku share game lagi nih,kalau sebelumnya aku share the sims 3, kali ini aku share versi lainnya,yaitu the sims 3 world aventure
ga jauh beda sih sama the sims 3,cuma beda gameplay aja

jadi ini nih fitur tambahannya :
  • Accept challenges, find treasures, discover what’s lurking in hidden caves and more.
  • Explore famous landmarks in China, Egypt, and France.
  • Learn new skills like photography and pursue new opportunities.
  • Meet new Sims from exotic locations and share their cultures.
  • Customize your Sims homes with new styles & artifacts from their adventures.
  • Get $10 worth of free SimPoints for The Sims 3 Store, and additional online features to be announc

syarat minimalnya pun juga tidak beda jauh samaThe Sims 3 World Adventure 2 DVD Mini Version 3.08 GB || (mediafire) the sims 3
ini nih :

PC OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7
CPU: (XP) 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; (Vista and Windows 7) 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
RAM: (XP) 1 GB RAM; (Vista and Windows 7) 1.5 GB RAM
HARD DRIVE: At least 3.5 GB* of free space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.
VIDEO: DirectX 9.0c compatible Video Card with 128 MB of Video RAM and support for Pixel Shader 2.0

*9.6 GB if installing with The Sims 3

Supported Video Cards: Nvidia GeForce series: FX5900 or greater, G100, GT 120, GT 130, GTS 150, GTS 250, GTX 260, GTX 275, GTX 280, GTX 285, GTX 295; ATI Radeon™ series:
ATI Radeon 9500 series of greater, X300, X600, X700, X800, X850, X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3450, 3650, 3850, 3870, 4850, 4870, 4890 series or greater;
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA): GMA 3-Series, GMA 4-Series.

Please note that the GeForce 6100 and 7100 cards are not supported.

ok deh,kalau semua komplit,langsung aja deh download 

The Sims 3 World Adventure 2 DVD Mini Version 3.08 GB || Mediafire
pass : sanzack / You'llNeverWalkAlone
(untuk menggabungkan,gunakan HJ Split)

patch silahkan klik disini atau disini

cara install bisa lihat disini

OK,selamat mendownload dan memainkan guys :)

source to the sims 3 official kaskus
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5 komentar:

  1. Mantab Do! oh Ya, Minta Posting Patch TS3 yang Compatible Sama Create-A-World Beta!!!

    1. ok,nanti gw ubek2 kaskus,kalo dah ketemu gw post kok

  2. gan ini cara instalnya gimana? saya udah gabungin semua file nya malah muncul bacaan "this product requires an intalled copy of the sims 3. please install the sims 3 before istalling this product" . sory gan newbie

    1. agan mesti harus wajib punya dulu MASTER the SIMS 3 nya , yaitu INDUK dari SEMUA EXPANSION yg agan download seperti WORLD ADVENTURE, UNIVERSITY , dll gan :)

  3. gan, kalo extrack nya pake 7zip bisa gak ?


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